Asklepia Health connects you to specialist doctors from most trusted hospitals in Kolkata. Asklepia Health offers you to complete telemedicine, Live doctors Chamber, E-Medical board and other medical services for you and your family. With Asklepia Health, you can:
- Instant Online Doctor Consultation
- Find and book appointment with doctors near you
- Book Lab test & other checkups
- Weight Management, Diet and Nutrition Consultation
- India’s first online E-Medical Board service
- Health Assessment reports within 24 hours
Download to Avail These Offers
- 3 Basic Health Assessment free
- 3 Live Doctors chamber consultation free
Instant Online Doctor Consultation
No registration charge
Hindi, English, Bengali speaking Doctors
Book and consult with our general physician at a glance
Find and Book appointment with doctors near you
You can easily book your specialized doctor near you. Saving your time and improving your health is our priority.
Book Lab test & other checkups
With Asklepia Health, book health check-ups & test from the comfort of your home at best prices. Flat 50% discount on all test packages and access the report online.
Weight Management, Diet and Nutrition Consultation
Reason behind a healthy person is healthy diet. Get nutrition advice from experienced nutritionist and make your lifestyle healthy.
India’s first online E-Medical Board service
Need more than one doctor at the same time? Asklepia Health will do the task. Get up to 5 doctors online for you at a time.