How To Manage Weight Effectively?
The advent of IT has enhanced the possibilities of the corporate world beyond imagination. The long list of scopes it offers to prospective employees is quite amazing. Along with the lucrative salary and associative perks come the health risks. The sheer lack of physical movement in our otherwise hectic professional life summons one of the most dreaded diseases, obesity.
This coupled with an unhealthy diet and a haphazard lifestyle with no biological clock, can lead to serious weight issues. Therefore, you will come across various wellness and self-care programmes that prioritize weight management.
Now the question is can we manage weight being a part of modern corporate culture? Is it possible to maintain sound health when a well-planned biological routine is grossly missed? Let us first narrow down the reasons for obesity and then focus on weight management.
Causes of Obesity
Contemporary Lifestyle: We are badly restricted within the periphery of our workstation, which reduces movement. Particularly those who work at a desk tend to gain more weight. Rotating shifts and the absence of a fixed biological clock (fixed time to eat and sleep) are major contributors to obesity.
Psychological/behavioural influence: Human psychology also results in obesity. Lower self-esteem, self-criticism of body image and appearance, negative mood, etc., can have a negative impact on obesity.
Metabolic/hormonal influences: While hormones like leptin, insulin, sex hormones and growth hormones impact human appetite and metabolism, obese people have lower levels of these hormones, which results in abnormal metabolism and accumulation of fat in the body. Besides, if the thyroid is underactive, people will likely experience weight gain. In addition to this, women suffering from thyroidism may feel sluggish and tired, and thus, they may experience weight gain or obesity.
Unhealthy Diet/Lifestyle: We crave fast food, spicy dishes, desserts, cold drinks and all sorts of unhealthy items. Even if we are aware of calorie consumption, we give in to unhealthy food habits that challenge weight management. On the other hand, smoking, consuming alcohol, etc., are some reasons for obesity.
Hereditary Issues: This is something which we can not regulate. If obesity is in the gene, it will affect us someday. In these cases, healthy food habits, regular workout sessions and proper medication are absolutely essential.
Weight Management
You will be glad to know that you can manifest certain positive changes in your lifestyle to manage weight effectively. The first thing you can do to manage weight is precise knowledge about your body. Everyone has unique health that calls for an exclusive weight management procedure. Being overweight is not always the issue. At times, being severely underweight also affects your well-being.
To manage weight, you must work out regularly. Brisk walking, indoor exercises, yoga, etc., are some ideal physical activities you can do. Swimming, Zumba and karate could be some effective replacements for the gym among the outdoor activities.
Take part in outdoor games that require physical movement at least once a week.
Maintain a healthy diet and try to follow a routine prepared by expert dieticians
If you have a family history of weight issues, if you are suffering from health concerns such as excessive steroid secretion and thyroid, consult a doctor and take proper medicines to manage your weight.
Weight management could be a long-term programme and you may not see the results immediately. However, perseverance is the key to success in weight management. If you are willing to manage your weight, nothing and no one can stop you barring your procrastination. So, buckle up and fix your mind on a healthy lifestyle from today!